At the point when you have a trademark registration is vital that you make a legitimate personality for yourself. This is after all something that would assist you with isolating yourself from others of your kind and be an interesting one in the most genuine feeling of the word.
This remarkable character will assist you with making a requirement for your contributions among your target group and customers. A significant piece of your image personality would be your brand name. Fundamentally your brand name would assist you with distinguished from your rivals.
To gain a brand name for your special image name and logo, you need to set up an application, record it to the concerned Trade Marks Department with the first steady archives through the legitimate Attorney and he/she will deal with your image name registration.
Documents needed for trademark registration
- Words/phrases
- Logo and symbol of design in JPEG format
- Authorization in trademark agent in TM-48 form for filing and prosecution
Application process
There are two sections to this process and are most important –
Setting up the application and
Then, at that point, documenting something very similar with the suitable specialists;
During the arrangement of brand name application, you’ve to give candidate’s subtleties, items or administrations or name and logo subtleties as per that the Class will chosen, associations subtleties and planning of specific structures.
While filing the application, in this progression of the manner in which you would have to present certain reports, for example, your business enlistment verification, a delicate duplicate of your trademark registration in Kerala, evidence of your case that the brand name can be utilized in one more nation too, and a force of lawyer endorsed without anyone else – the candidate.
There are two manners so that one can petition for the enlistment. You can go for e-documenting or manual filing.
In the event that you choose to do it physically you would have to genuinely visit the workplace of the Trademark Registrar. After that you would have to sit tight for at least 15 to 20 days to get the affirmation receipt.
In any case, on the off chance that you choose to e-record you would get the affirmation receipt very quickly. Then, at that point, you would likewise reserve the option to utilize the Trademark Registration (brand name) image alongside your chose brand name. In these cases, you need to top off the SPICe Form to get the endorsement of name and pay a charge of INR 1000 for that. After the utilization of brand name registration, the beneath cases might possibly be emerge during the process.
So these 5 things might actually happen:

- Assessment to reserve application
- Show cause hearing
- Publicize for Journal distribution
- A sit tight for objection
- Getting enlistment authentication
There are two events on which your brand name had a problem with. The first is the point at which the Trademark Registrar is assessing your application. On the off chance that the recorder objects to your brand name at the application survey stage you need to right to show up before him and manage the issues with your brand name.
In the event that the official turns out to be happy with your clarifications and avocations he would permit it to distributed in the Trademark Journal.
This is the second stage where there can be an issue with your brand name. Be that as it may, this complaint must made within 90 days of the distribution after which the brand name would be considered passed.
This process happens when the brand name is objection by an outsider in the 90-day time of its distribution in the diary. This conference is director by the Trademark Hearing Officer. Both you – the respondent – and the informer reserve the option to be available at this conference. Here both of you would give your sides of the story after which the brand name application would either acknowledged or dismissed.
Published in Journal
As has said as of now, the brand name is investigate by the brand name enlistment centre after which it is distribute in the brand names diary. Trademark Registration in Kerala turns out to be a week by week distribution and it contains every one of the acknowledged brand names. The principle point of this distribution is to advise people in general with respect to every one of the brand names so that on the off chance that they feel that any brand name registration will make misfortune or harm them they can dispatch their objections in regards to something very similar. In case there is no objection within a 90-day time frame it would enlisted within the range of 12 weeks.
Time taken
As you probably are aware brand name is a piece of Central Government’s power of Intellectual Property; so trademark registration is an extended interaction and sets aside effort to get enlisted your image and logo in brand name division, India.
Normally, a TAN (Trademark Application Number) will given to you promptly and it will ship off you within 2 to 3 days of documenting an application for brand name registration through your Agent or Attorney. What’s more, in case all is great from your side, implies no complaint, hearing and objection then you will get the enlistment testament around 7 months of utilization.
Since we have that a lot of involvement and furthermore applied for a large number of our customers and got it; so we are sharing this.
In the event that any protest and next objection is raised, it is hard to say at what time you could accept your testament.
Benefits of Trademark Registration
Trademark registration in Kerala very well may be difficult to get your first customers and clients. To begin bringing in cash, here and there you simply need to take whatever you can get. Ordinarily, you might charge way not as much as what you merit just to acquire some foothold in your business.
With a strong brand set up, you will appear to be an expert and accordingly you can charge like one! In the event that you show that you produce excellent work or items, customers will bound to esteem what you deal and follow through on greater expenses for it.