A trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that sets it apart from others. This expression can be a word, a slogan, a photograph, a logo, a graphic, a colour combination, a sound or even a smell. Owners of trademarks have exclusive rights to use them under the categories they are listed in (there are a total of 45 categories, called categories).
Trademark registration in Kerala enables owners to easily establish their trademark rights in court and receive royalties. It also avoids piracy and prevents similar names from being registered by other businesses. In India, you can get ™ within three days, but it takes about two years to register. So you can use the ® symbol.
Documents required for trademark registration:
1.Application form
If you are e-filing a trademark, DSC is required
2.List of goods and services that require registration
If the sign contains or contains words other than English, a translation of those words into English will also be required.
3.Date of first use of the trademark in India, if used
4.Signed on Form-48, Form-48 gives the applicant the right to submit a trademark application to file a trademark application.
5.Proof of identity of the person or proprietor – Name, address and nationality of the applicant
6.Personal or proprietors address proof- base or copy of page or passport
7.Preferably in black and white (optional), soft copy of logo, if you want to trademark a word, a logo is not necessary.
Procedure of trademark registration:

Check and confirm that the trademark you first selected is not already registered.Trademark Registration in Palakkad process can also help you identify existing trademarks that are similar to yours, thus enabling you to make the necessary changes to make your trademark truly unique.
File for trademark:
Next, you can file for a trademark either online, or at any trademark registrar’s office. If you have a company and you have used a professional registration service when registering your private limited company in India, it is better that you also use the same agency to file your trademark. You will need to submit your business, address details when filing a trademark.
Trademark allotment:
You will then assigned a trademark allocation number by the trademark registrar, which you can track online. You will usually receive the number within one or two days after the registrar receives your application.
Applying the Vienna Codification:
The Trademark Registrar will then attempt to classify your trademark registration in idukki based on the 1973 Vienna Codification. During this phase, the status of your application will display as ‘Sent for Vienna Codification’
Trademark Check:
An officer of the Trademark Registrar Office Fees will inspect your trademark and ensure that it complies with the established requirements for the trademark. If the officer finds a problem with it, he may raise a trademark objection. You can respond to the online trademark objection, either by showing that the objection has no cause or by making the necessary changes to remove the objection. Now, if the official agrees with your trademark, it will send to be published in the trademark journal.
Trademark published:
Once trademark is published in the journal, will have 90 days to publicly object to it,if such a development was to take place, a hearing would be conducted by the officer, who would later decide whether the objection was valid. If there are no objections, then your trademark Registration in Kollam is ready for registration.
Trademark Registration:
A certificate will then issue, validating your claim to be the sole owner of trademark. We can now use the official facial trademark symbol next to the trademarked name or logo.
The above is the general procedure of the trademark registration process. And given the complexity involve, it is recommend that you contact a good trademark registration service to get the job.
Benefits of trademark registration:
- Although register trademarks that are using in connection with the sale of goods or services may have some legal protection, should someone copy our creation or infringe it, the burden of proof is much greater. Having a trademark register on file gives the business owner additional protection.
- By registering a trademark, can be sure that trademark registration in wayanad is not like any other registered trademark. If accidentally infringe someone else’s name or trademark, if may be sued by the registered trademark owner and will have to pay legal fees and penalties as well as waive all profits earned under the registered mark. The owner of the registering mark may also be force to pay you damages. Then have to change company name or create a new logo, we lose more money in new marketing materials .And may also lose customers due to future confusion about product or identity.
- Trademark registration ensures that other companies do not trademark the same, and gives company the exclusive rights to operate and market under the so-called trademark.
- Trademark can also provide the right to take legal action against anyone who infringes on it. Once we have registered trademark, can use it in the U.S. Can record with Customs and Border Protection, which will ensure that no counterfeit goods will be imported.
- Can use the “®” symbol after trademark registration, indicating that brand is jointly register, adding to company’s reputation.
- If company wants to expand to other countries, can use federal registration for foreign trademark filing.
Any person or company wants to take legal right to the brand name; Logo etc. can apply for trademark in India. If a company or individual wants to create a unique identity and enjoy the benefits of trademark registration in Bangalore, they must apply for registration. With trademark registration, the applicant has the power to sue if his company name and logo use without anyone’s written consent. We are the best consultant to provide eminent service and our only motto is to satisfy the customer expectation.